The Week Ahead

Happy Monday everyone! We’ve had a busy weekend, I’m still learning about this blogging business so for now I’m gonna keep doing what I’ve been doing here, on Facebook and over on Instagram  and I hope that you guys will keep checking in and following along. 

As you have probably figured out by now, our house is still a work in progress.  This last weekend we worked in the unfinished part of the basement.  Hubby is FINALLY getting himself a proper work room with a work bench set up down there but it meant emptying an ENTIRE area of the basement out. And if I’m being honest, he’s infringing on MY neat and tidy little workroom....good thing I love him so much!💙

The plus side of this project is that we got rid of a lot of STUFF! Lots to recycle, some garbage, some donations and I have a pile to post on my buy and sell today.

Next up are some lights and electrical outlets down there. All I can say is thank god we have an in-house electrician or it may have taken even longer then the current 3 years!  

Only kidding (maybe), we have been super busy with other projects and I think having to constantly dig around for proper tools, gadgets, etc. has finally become too much which is why we now have a plan and some work in progress. So I will be keeping you guys updated on this little project as it moves along.

I also have another pretty great before and after I will share with you all this week. It’s been awhile in the making but if you’ve been following along, I get easily distracted by other things like a messy pantry that needed to be organized!

And last but not least (because I am a walking talking work in progress), I will also be sharing the kitchen cupboard pullout insert thingys I told you about last week. If you go back a couple of posts you will see them, they were a SCORE at Costco for $27. Hubby surprised me and installed them Saturday morning while I was on a coffee date with my BFF. Can I just say they are AMAZING too?

So lots coming up this week! I’m also getting really close to 200 followers on my Facebook page which means another give away. And over on Instagram I’m almost at 300! Truly truly amazing! To those who continue to support me, thank you from the bottom of my heart because sadly, not everyone does. But that’s ok, the good ALWAYS outweighs the bad. That’s why I love this picture I am sharing today.



We are all guilty of second guessing ourselves, comparing ourselves, our lives, our homes, etc. to others, we worry about judgy people who are critical of our choices, the mother who thinks she’s a better parent then you are but guess what? We worry WAAAAAAYY too much about what others think and all that does is plants the seed for all this self doubt, self criticism, making us think we aren’t enough. Toss that shit out the window, surround yourself with ONLY people who truly love you for who you are, people who build you up, support you, stand by you and catch you if you fall. And sometimes your friends become your family because they get you, they GET IT and that’s what YOU deserve.

Happy Monday and remember, we’ve all got this!!

Yours in thriftiness,

Michele xo


Family Day Weekend

Family Day Weekend

Two Of a Kind

Two Of a Kind