My Person

Not all of my posts are Home and Home Decor related, I really want to use this blog as a platform to talk about anything and everything.  So if you're only in it for my DIY's you should skip this post...haha....not really.  Give it a read and leave me a comment, i'd love to hear what you think!

Everyone needs a person in their life, I don't just mean a best friend, I mean A PERSON, like Meredith and Christina on Gre's.  This girl right here is my person.  She's my best friend, my confidant, my biggest supporter.  We laugh, we cry, we build each other up, pick each other up, we have each others backs.  We love each others children like they are our own and we care about each others husbands like they are a brother.  We are family.

Do you believe in fate?  I don't think I really did  before I met MC.  Back in 2006 I was at the arena with my youngest son for his first hockey practice of the season.  I was in the dressing room with a dozen other moms, dads and 6 and 7 year old hockey players wondering where the coach was?   Instead of a coach, a representative of the hockey league came into the room to tell us there was no coach for our team this year.  Our local minor hockey league is run by volunteers and that year, there were not enough volunteers to go around.   This gentleman asked if anyone in the room would like to step up and volunteer?  This really tall dad, with a deep voice, a big smile and the greatest laugh said "i'll do it"!  Another woman who had a very kind face said she would share the Trainer job with another parent so another kind hearted gentleman said 'i'll share it with you!" Last but not least, the league rep said they needed someone to be a Manager and this someone should be organized and be able to look after paperwork, etc, for the team so I said "i can do that"! 

So here we were, a bit of a misfit team with a bench staff who needed to get certified and trained, most of us knew nothing about these positions we volunteered for, including me, I just heard "Organized" and put my hand up!  And these kids just wanted to get on the ice!  

To get back to the story at hand, this new "bench staff" became the greatest of friends.  Our friend Rob stepped up to be the coach and boy did he love those kids!  Shelly became Trainer 1 and Tom became Trainer 2.  And naturally we all met each others spouses and this is where I believe Fate stepped in.  I was introduced to Tom's wife and it was almost love at first site in a BFF kinda way!  We just clicked, and the group of us became friends, we cheered on our kids, froze our asses off in various arenas, gossiped, drank bad coffee and became closer.  We socialized,  sometimes all together, sometimes in pairs, but we formed lasting friendships.  We all went on to be bench staff for many years to come, my husband joined in on the fun too, first as an Assistant Coach and then some years he was Coach and Rob was Assistant, it didn't matter, we were all together.  It made all those hours at the rink fun, especially those 7am ice times. 

Over the years things changed, some marriages ended, some of our friendships deepened, some of them did not.  Tragically, our dear, sweet, kind hearted friend Rob passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in 2016.  We were all shocked and devastated and we miss him so much.  Even all these years later, when you are at the rink, it always feels a little empty because Rob isn't there.  He will be one of those coaches that your kid talks about for years to come because he made such an impression on their lives.

Through all of these highs and lows, MC and I became closer, our bond became deeper and stronger, she was my person and I was hers.  We even got to see Oprah together because we were and are Oprah's biggest fan girls!!  We've both faced some struggles through the years that we may not have got through without each others support  And now 12 years later, our sons have also become best friends and we tell MC's daughter that she has to marry one of my boys one day so we can officially be family (she's not all for it yet, but there's lots of time!)  Wouldn't that be amazing?  We can only hope.

That's a few years down the road but today and everyday I am thankful to have this beautiful soul as My Person.  She is my shining star on my darkest days.  I love you MC, thank you for being My Person.


Michele xo


I had written this post in draft form before the terrible tragedy involving another hockey team and other hockey friends, the Humboldt Broncos.  I'm sure many of those mothers, fathers, players and bench staff made a best friend through their connection and love of the game.  As a mom and hockey mom these families have not been far from my thoughts and I pray for peace and healing for them all.



Fireplace Makeover

Fireplace Makeover