Why is My House so Clean

Why is My House so Clean

I don't often mention that we have a house cleaner because people are so god damn judgemental.  I get soooo sick of hearing about it, it's honestly one of the many things I am judged about on the reg!  But guess what? I truly am beyond caring what people think of me because we have someone clean our house biweekly.  In fact I love to tell people it was one of the best decisions we ever made, i'm only mad we didn't do it sooner!  And yes I am at home all day everyday, so what's your point?

I'm talking about it today because I see and hear of so many moms, women, men in general who are busy, stressed, overwhelmed, sick or depressed, maybe they stay at home, work from home, aren't ever home because of their job and they feel shamed if they mention they are thinking of hiring a house cleaner, I know because I felt the same way!  Seriously people, mind your own business, unless someone is asking you to lend them the money to pay for their cleaning lady keep your opinion to yourself.  Am I judging you because you buy expensive clothes, take trips or make a few too many stops at the LCBO?  Maybe but just in my head....kidding folks :)

If you've followed me from the beginning (which can you believe was only back in early 2018??  I feel like we've known each other forever) you know I was diagnosed with MS in 2008 and made a decision that was VERY difficult for me, to not return to work in 2009.  The years since have been a struggle full of many ups and down physically, mentally and emotionally.  My MS diagnosis was a life changer folks and a very hard pill to swallow.  HOWEVER, I am not one to dwell on the bad, and trust me there's been lots of bad, I try to just play the cards that were dealt.

Even though we downsized in 2014 it was hard for me to keep on top of my housework, I had to spread it out over the course of a few days, throw in spring cleaning and it was a week long ordeal for me..  Anything involving lifting my arms above shoulder level is EXTREMELY difficult for me.  For instance, scrubbing a shower, wiping a mirror, things you take fore granted.  I also have very little strength and suffer from excuriatingly painful neuropathy in my right hand, both lingering affects from a very bad MS flare in 2013.  I can't be on my feet for long stretches either, all things you look at me and don't see, probably because it's personal and I don't talk about it, dwell on it or complain about it often.  It's my life so I just get on with it.

So yes god damn it, we have a house cleaner, even if it means giving up one of our dinners out in the course of a month, it's worth every damn penny (and really guys, it isn't even that expensive)..  And you know what else, it gave me the time to find something to do that I loved which has been this blog and making my signs.   And while it may appear that I am the DIY queen (ok maybe I am) but do you think I am actually doing all the heavy lifting?  I WISH!  My sign making is essentially a one handed venture and my hubby helps me with the cutting and framing.  Furniture painting?  Yep, just call me the one handed bandit!

My point is, if you are busy, or even if you aren't, if you are spending all of your free time trying to keep up with your housework, especially if you are a CLEAN FREAK like me, and have been considering getting a house cleaner and aren't because of judgy people, flip them the bird and do what works for you.  No one knows what you are dealing with everyday and it isn't any of their business.

Until you've had a house cleaner, you won't truly understand the feeling of walking back into your house after it's been cleaned. I swear to god I hear the angels singing, ok maybe that's an exaggeration, but seriously, it is money well spent for so many reasons.  Life is short, eat the chocolate, buy the shoes and get the damn cleaning lady.

Michele xo




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